MYP Teen Retreat at St. Josaphat’s Retreat House, Glen Cove, NY—April 27-29, 2018 By Tom Leavens

The MYP was very blessed to provide their annual Retreat experience to our teens at St. Josaphat’s Retreat House in Glen Cove, NY on April 27-29, 2018.  Ten teens were able to experience a classic-themed MYP retreat based on the Road to Emmaus. From the moment we arrived, the teens were open to the challenges & fun that a retreat offers.  Following pizza & a spirited outdoor icebreaker on Friday night, the teens embraced the messages of the talks & activities throughout the weekend. Rectors Dina DePaola & Diana Roach put so much love in the details. A large poster of the “Road” was displayed in the front of our Large Group & teens built upon it following each activity. Our recurring activity involved MYP baseball caps with decals created by the teens were worked on & given to them at the end of the weekend. Talks were given by Gary McComiskey, Jean Bena, Diana Roach, me & Megan McComiskey. Small groups & activities we re supported by Marilu Capobianco & Cathy Bischoff Weinbaum as well.

It is always an accomplishment & a gift to offer an MYP retreat experience to our teens. I’m sure you can remember a MYP Retreat that you were on as a teen or worked as a Team member—and it immediately puts a smile on your face. We were able to bring Christ to each other as we traveled on our roads together!