Friday, February 4 – Sunday, February 6, 2005
St. Josaphat’s Retreat House
Glen Cove, New York
MYP TEENS: Alan W, Christian V, Dana N, Daniella O, Geanine L, Giovanna D, Grant K, Heather L, Joe L, John Paul D, Jonathan U, Kenny G, Luciana R, Maria R, Rosanna C
MYP TEAM: Diana R, Doris I, Irene R, Jennifer S, John F, Mike F, Tommy L, Father Tony E, Megan McC, PJ; Dani R & Gary McC (rectors)
THEME OF THE RETREAT: To develop our Relationship with Jesus, we must keep the Good News in our minds, on your lips and in our hearts.
The bus departed from St. Mel’s parking lot at 645pm on Friday night and arrived 45 minutes later to the front door of St. Josaphat’s Retreat House for our second visit to our new favorite weekend getaway. Our rectors and the hosts to the weekend adventures, Dani and Gary, with camera, welcomed us at the door and we had an Icebreaker to find everyone’s small groups with your Confirmation names as the clues, filmed by Gary. The small groups named themselves (The Cardios, The Seven Lunkers, The Blue Brainstormers Gone Wild) and created their own small group symbols. With the community Prayer Box and the Retreat Candle in front of the room, we heard the first of five talks on the weekend by Irene and John F (GOD IS NOWHERE or GOD IS NOW HERE), filmed by Gary. The small groups created the front page of a newspaper called “The Good News” and presented the top stories to the large group, filmed by Gary. After committee meetings and night prayers, the teens found their rooms and the first gift of the weekend, little squishy brains. The little squishy brains found their way all over the retreat house for the rest of the weekend and are probably still there now.
Saturday morning and with everyone awake, eventually, the first of 5 wonderful meals in our stomachs and Alan eating all of the leftovers, the 2nd talk of the weekend was given by Diana and Megan, who was giving her first MYP Retreat talk, filmed by Gary. The teens wrote and created their own Nicene Creeds to present to the large group, also filmed by Gary.
After all of the talks and activities throughout the weekend, the teens created their own personal prayer boxes with symbols of their faith drawn on the face of the boxes. Shaped like crosses, this recurring activity was the teens chance to express themselves and their beliefs. The 3rd talk of the weekend was by PJ and Jen, also giving her first MYP Retreat talk, filmed by Gary. Father Tony held a Penance Service and after lunch (Alan left no leftovers), the Teens and Team ventured outside into the snow to create a snowman, go for walks around the Retreat House grounds and to cause general chaos in an unusual combination of football, Frisbee and snowballs. No one was dry when Free Time was over. Or wearing shoes.
Father Tony, whose car was protected by a faith force field from snowballs and Frisbees, celebrated a wonderful Mass and Tommy arrived during dinner (Alan ate Tommy’s dinner too) and gave Talk 4, filmed by Gary. The teens attended Prayer Stations about Meditation, Nature, Music and Scripture at different locations throughout the Retreat House and even outside on a night walk with Diana. On Saturday evening, Diana and Daniella the Clown hosted the Entertainment, which featured Jeopardy, You Got Served, Catholic Eye for the Atheist Guy (Mike F = overacting), Got Jesus? and car insurance commercials, Stump Diana, The Apprentice and a musical performance by Jonathan, all filmed by Gary. After Night Prayers, the teens eventually went to bed.
Sunday morning after the Human Knot activity and Breakfast (Alan became good friends with the cook), Doris gave the 5th and final talk of the weekend, filmed by Gary and also led the Community Prayer Service on Sunday morning. The teens cleaned their rooms and packed their belongings, said goodbye to the kitchen staff (Alan shed a tear) and after the final small and large groups of the weekend, listened to “You’ve Got a Friend” and returned to the bus and the real world, leaving behind a fantastic weekend of new friends and wonderful memories, all filmed by Gary.
The next Retreat will be held on the weekend of March 24-25-26, 2006 again at St. Josaphat’s Retreat House. We hope all of you can attend – THANKS!