The 22nd Annual MYP Coffeehouse – Saturday, February 18, 2012 @ St. Mel’s Church

The MYP hosted the 22nd Annual MYP Coffeehouse on Saturday, February 18, 2012, at St. Mel’s Church.  The event was rectored by Tom Leavens & Gary McComiskey, with team members responsible for several committees (Cathy Bischoff Weinbaum, Decorations; Jen McComiskey, Raffles; Dina DePaola, Food & Beverage; Kerin Kreigsman, Tickets; Laurie Hallick, Host & Program; Ben Fabrizi, Lights).  The night was filled with entertainment from our team & teens.  The money raised goes toward the financial support of the program, particularly to subsidize our Teen Retreat in April 2012.  As always, it was a spirited & successful event!