Stations of the Cross & The Prodigal Son Meditation—March 29, 2019 at Holy Trinity Church By Tom Leavens

The MYP attended the monthly Stations of the Cross gathering at Holy Trinity Church in Whitestone, NY, on Friday, March 20, 2019. The service for that evening was guided by praying the stations through Mary’s perspective.  Following that, the teens met in the Parish Center and were read the Parable of the Prodigal Son by Diana Roach. The event was rectored by me, and the Team was Jean Bena Pedri, Megan McComiskey, Gary McComiskey, Diana Roach, Cathy Bischoff Weinbaum & Kerin Carty Kreigsman. After a short reflection and some pizza, the teens were showed an animated video interpreting the parable in contemporary terms. The teens and Team then had a more in depth discussion of the parable: a discussion around the younger son and what he did to himself and his family; the loving father giving his son his share of the property & waiting for him to return; and the older son, who was angry at his father for celebrating his younger brother’s return & not recognizing him properly.  The discussion covered many different opinions and feelings for all three characters. The event ended with a group prayer. This evening was a great approach to this powerful Bible passage and a great lead into our upcoming retreat.