On December 25, 2022, our beloved MYP member, Connie Barone, passed away. In November, Connie posted a message to her friends & family asking for prayers after her long battle with cancer.
Since Connie left us, there have been so many beautiful things said and written about her (thank you to all that have posted on the MYP Facebook page). Here’s what former MYP Team Member PJ Macari posted about Connie: “A quick story about Connie – my uncle Taz Smith recruited my sister Carolyn from Bayside to attend the Module in the fall of 1982. The Module was mostly operating in Flushing and Whitestone at this time. Carolyn approached the pastor at St. Roberts, Father Henry Lang, to ask him to allow the Module to hold events at the church and he said if you could find more than 5 kids who would be even interested in attending, only then would he agree. Carolyn found at least a dozen, including the Attanasios and the Barones. Connie would bring her sister Toni-Ann Barone and brother Joseph—and the Barone family became an important part in the history of the Program. After our sons were born in 2013, Connie came to our home in Jersey to visit us and we had a wonderful afternoon and she got to see Carolyn and our dad and meet our sons. Her loss is immeasurable, but so is the love she left behind. Rest in peace, our friend.”
Connie’s brother, Joseph, posted the following: “ Yesterday was one of the hardest days of my life. People who know me will understand this. I lost my sister, mother, (mother in law to my wife ) Aunt and Godmother to my children, best friend, mentor, colleague, and my boss. It’s difficult to imagine that someone can be all of these people in one, but that’s what Connie Barone was for the past 49 yrs to me. I never knew my father, barely have any memories of my mother, however I will never forget my sister Connie. At the age of 18 she took it upon herself to “adopt” me and raise me till I was 18. As many of you know I struggled in life, but Connie was always there to guide me (and yell at me). If it weren’t for her I wouldn’t have become the person I am today. Nor would I have married the woman of my dreams and have 2 of the greatest kids. Hopefully I continue to follow her guidance and “keep climbing that ladder of success” until I am reunited with her.
When you ask if there is anything you can do. There is. Please remember that no matter what, Connie always tried to find the good in People and help them whenever she could.
“Pay That Forward”
Please continue to keep Connie, her siblings Toni Ann and Joe, and all of their family in your thoughts and prayers.