Every June, The MYP Team meets to discuss our Year in Review. First, we discuss the things that worked well for us in the past season, as well as what can be improved. Here’s what worked well:
- à The program continues to be adaptable (number of teens at events, location changes).
- à We used three different parishes this season (always a challenge): Holy Trinity, St. Mel’s & St. Andrew Avellino
- à The Teen Retreat was a huge success (planning & delivery).
- à Eileen Haggerty stepped in to assist & strengthen our Retreat in planning & delivery.
- à The teens were friendlier (with the Team & each other).
- à Christmas Day was a huge success in spirit & service.
- à The event where we attended the Stations of the Cross, followed by a Prodigal Son themed event, was powerful.
- à Our ‘Unity Day Jr.’ event, including the viewing of the movie, “The Hate U Give,” was powerful.
- à Meetings at Dina’s house are wonderful!
Areas for improvement:
- à Rector responsibility to get teen names/number in advance of event.
- à Contact parents of our teens with upcoming dates.
- à Improve awareness of events scheduled in high schools for Fridays.
- à Encourage teens to bring more friends to events.
The amazing work that the MYP has achieved in 45 years will continue! The 2019-2020 calendar has been created (see left side of this page) & updates will be posted every month.
Finally, our new theme was discussed & agreed upon. The team brings different scripture ideas to the meeting and we discuss which can inspire us for the upcoming season (see below). We ask the MYP Community to pray for the teens, team & the work that will be accomplished in our 2019-2020 season!