At the end of every MYP season, the Team meets and proposes several scripture-based themes that can be used for the next season. For 2023-24. we have chosen, “Finally, all of you, be of one mind, sympathetic, loving to one another, compassionate, humble… because to this you were called.” We collectively reflect on what we learned from our teens; what we observe is going on in the world; and what we hope to inspire in our teens & the MYP Community in the new season.
This is a great scripture with great challenges. Wouldn’t the world be more beautiful if we strove to be more sympathetic, loving, compassionate, humble to one another? That seems so easy in my heart but so difficult when I look at the major differences I see in today’s world. For me, it can be
uncomfortable to have conversations with anyone (family, friends, strangers) about politics, religion, family values. But “because I am called,” I am reminded of the ‘tools’ the MYP has always put forward in creating our Days: myself, others & God. My approach to others should keep in my mind what God calls me to be & do—look at myself and my actions; look at how I see and treat the people in my life & how they treat me; and how do I keep God in it and be loving. These are not easy challenges for me—so how can I invite teens to look at them?
I can continue to be the best example of Christ that I can be— and I can ask the teens to do the same. Not to be perfect, but to be better. To do better—in their own time & approach.
And being in the MYP is a great way to strengthen them, support them & let them know they are not alone.