MYP Teen Retreat—Saturday, May 21-22, 2021 over Zoom Conferencing & at Eisenhower Park, Westbury, NY

WE DID IT! The MYP was able to end the 2020-2021 season with a creative Teen Retreat. It was called the MYP COVIDreat. It was held over two days, starting on Friday, May 21, over Zoom Conferencing and continuing the next day, May 22, at Eisenhower Park in Westbury, NY. The theme was built around faith: the human need for faith & developing Christian faith.

The Rectors of the Retreat were Diana Roach & Tom Leavens. Gary McComiskey presented Friday night’s Zoom call. Jean Pedri gave our first talk & Megan McComiskey gave our second talk on Saturday. Team Members over both days included Nan Adams, Cathy Bischoff Weinbaum, Kerin Carty Kriegsman, John Fodera, Dina DePaola, Eileen Haggerty & Mary Leavens.

The Friday night portion of the retreat involved an Icebreaker, followed by watching the movie, “Unbroken.” It tells the amazing story of WWII hero & Olympian, Louis Zamperini, who spent 47 days in a raft with two fellow crewmen  before he’s captured by the Japanese Navy & placed in a prisoner-of-war camp. The teens were invited to journal about their thoughts & feelings, as well as reflecting on what God is saying to them. The evening concluded with a Prayer Service.

On Saturday, we were able to be physically together in Eisenhower Park. This was the first time the teens have been together since March 2020. They were able to hear the two talks, break into small groups, experience a Trust Walk in the park with a partner, journal & pray. They had breakfast and lunch together—it was so great to be together! The retreat ending with our traditional Senior Goodbye, with Megan McComiskey singing, “The Last Song,” beautifully while Diana Roach gifted the Seniors with crosses. The retreat ended with all of us listening to and singing the MYP theme song, “You’ve Got a Friend.”

It was so important for the Team to plan this retreat the best & safest way we could under these challenging times. Our prayers were answered! This  retreat was God’s gift to the MYP. Our theme inspired us: “Be strong & courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified, for the Lord your God goes with you: He will never leave you or forsake you.” Thank you to the MYP Community for supporting this work and praying for us. We are blessed!