It is always a blessing when the MYP is able to provide a retreat experience to our teens! On the weekend of April 12-14, 2019, the MYP hosted their Teen Retreat at St. Josaphat’s Retreat House in Glen Cove, NY. The event was rectored by Tom Leavens, with amazing help from the Team: Marilu Capobianco, Dina DePaola, John Fodera, Eileen Haggerty, Gary McComiskey, Megan McComiskey, Jean Pedri, Diana Roach, & Cathy Bischoff Weinbaum. The theme of the retreat was, “We are invited here this weekend by Jesus to hear some of His stories about God the Father and respond to them.” This theme was first presented in 1999 but it’s talk outlines & activities are still so needed in today’s world. The teens were able to examine parables and make personal connections to them. Activities invited the teens in an icebreaker involved selfies, bread making, planting seeds, and constructing their own Kingdom of God, besides small group discussions, Mass & a communal Penance Service/Examination of Conscience. At the end of the retreat, the teens were given t-shirts to commemorate their experience. Most importantly, the teens left the weekend with knowledge, awareness & challenges to continue to grow in their relationships with God.