MYP Teen Event at the Catholic Underground—April 7, 2018 By Diana Roach (Pictures from Gary McComiskey)

Who would have thought on a Saturday night there would be a church on the Upper East Side, standing room only to participate in Eucharistic Adoration?

I wouldn’t have unless I was there to witness it myself…and a dozen other lucky MYP Team and Teens on Saturday April 7th.

We all went in cold, except for Megan.  Megan gave us a little bit of information but sagely did not fully describe the experience more than what her take away feelings were…so we were left to have a truly untainted experience. 

I think that I will do the same…but I will mention the following:  Standing room only on a Saturday night…it’s worth repeating….2 lines over 30 people deep to go to confession.  Hundreds of voices in unison singing praise.  It was truly moving experience.  I felt blessed to be a part of it.

The musical talent of the Franciscans was impressive and powerful. 

I highly recommend going.  It’s the first Saturday of every month.