MYP Starts the 2019-2020 “Standing Firm in One Spirit” By Tom Leavens

Stand firm in the one Spirit, striving together as one for the faith of the gospel .”  (Philippians 1:27)

The MYP Team meets every June for planning: to review the  previous season, create our calendar for the next season, assign jobs and other key things. One of the most collaborative items we work on is choosing a theme for the next season –something that we can use to inspire both the Team & the teens. We look to the Bible (a good place for us) & brainstorm from passages that we find pertinent and inspiring. After choosing 5-10 verses, we review them and vote on the best one. This year’s chosen theme is so relevant to our    program and the world. It challenges all of us to stand firm in one Spirit. What does it mean to stand firm, to strive through the obstacles we encounter that are both in and outside our control?  Do we realize that when we stand in the one Spirit, God, we can do anything? Most importantly, do we realize that we need to work together (not as isolated Christians) for our faith? After celebrating our 45th Anniversary, I am so  incredibly grateful for the MYP. Not only because of everything it has done for me and my family but for what it has done, and continues to do, for hundreds of young people who are looking to understand who they are, who they could be and what God helps them to be (maybe thousands—we haven’t counted). Please continue to keep the work of the MYP in your prayers—and stop by an event to say, “Hello.”  That means so much to us!