The MYP hosted its Opening Day Event on Friday, September 20, 2019, at Holy Trinity Church in Whitestone, NY. Twelve teens attended the event with great enthusiasm after our summer break. The Rector for the event was Diana Roach and the Team that worked the event were John Fodera, Eileen Haggerty, Kerin Carty Kriegsman, Tom Leavens, Gary McComiskey, Megan McComiskey, Jean Bena Pedri & Cathy Bischoff Weinbaum (Mary Leavens attended as well). The event was based on our 2019-2020 theme: Stand firm in the one Spirit, striving together as one for the faith of the gospel,” (Philippians 1:27). After a spirited Icebreaker, Jean gave the first talk that challenged the teens to strive through the obstacles they encounter both in and outside of their control. A group discussion followed where the teens created posters with their answers to questions they discussed. Eileen gave the second talk challenging them to share the gospel message with others, & discussed how we all share the same Mass every Sunday in every Church around the world. Teens met in groups where they were given different scripture passages & discussed the different translations for each found in different Catholic bibles. The evening concluded with a Prayer Service. It was a great night with the MYP doing what they do best— sharing our Catholic faith together & challenging each other to live it in the world! Please continue to keep the work of the MYP in your prayers.