On November 16, 2018, the MYP hosted My Music, My Life Day at St. Andrew Avellino Church. The event was rectored by Dina DePaola & Diana Roach, with Team Members help from Cathy Bischoff Weinbaum, Jean Bena Pedri, Kerin Carty Kriegsman, Tom Leavens & Mary Leavens (who assisted with a small group).
The theme of the event was to help teens listen to music with a critical ear in order to help enhance their spiritual life and their relationship with God. A talk was given by Jean & there were two activities where the teens were asked to listen to contemporary songs and reflect on them. The evening challenged the teens to look at songs that affect them physically, emotionally & spiritually. The event concluded with a large group discussion & Prayer Service. Both the Team & teens were exposed to all types of music—and examined how it can play a role in bringing them closed to God.