The MYP hosted their annual MovieNight event on Friday, January 24, 2020, with the showing of “Gravity,” starring Sandra Bullock & George Clooney. The event was held at St. Andrew Avellino Church in Flushing, NY. After the movie was viewed, the teens were separated into small groups to discuss themes and how it resonated with their own experiences. Teens were asked to discuss the biblical and religious symbols presented in the movie. In one scene, the main character expresses fear and wishes that she had been taught how to pray. This led the small groups to discuss prayer in their own lives—when they needed to pray and how they pray. The teens were given a hand out of “The Daily Examen,” created by St. Ignatius Loyola as a tool to assist in prayer.
Th evening concluded with a Prayer Service that began with the song, “Wherever You Go.” The group then prayed together with the following:
O Christ Jesus, when all is darkness
And we feel our weakness and helplessness,
Give us the sense of your presence,
Your love,
And your strength.
Help us to have the perfect trust
In your protesting love
And strengthening power,
So that nothing may frighten or worry us,
For, living close to you,
We shall see Your hand,
Your purpose,
Your will through all things. AMEN.
It was a great event that challenged the teens to look at their faith and prayer life—to be mindful of being open to God’s love at all times.