MYP MovieNight – February 9, 2024, at Holy Trinity Church By Tom Leavens

On Friday, February 9, 2024, the MYP hosted their annual MovieNight Event at Holy Trinity Church in Whitestone, NY. The Rectors for this event were Dina DePaola & Diana Roach. The Team Members were Nan Adams, John Fodera, Eileen Haggerty, Mary Leavens and Tom Leavens. The film shown was “Freedom Writers,” starring Hilary Swank. The story was based on Erin Gruwell, a high school English teacher at an integrated high school in Long Beach, CA, in 1994. Many of her students were in gangs & almost all had known somebody killed by gang violence. Ms. Gruwell continually looked for ways to engage her students to improve their literacy skills and accept the importance of their own lives & futures, even at the cost of her own marriage.

After the teens arrived & signed in, they were instructed to create Valentine’s Day cards for a service project. These cards will be delivered to children who are patients in hospitals. Movie snacks & treats were provided as the teens and Team gathered for the presentation. During and after the movie, the teens expressed their opinions about the characters, especially their support for Erin Gruell and her need to educate her students.

The Team had discussed several movie options for the night, but felt very strongly about showing this one. They felt that the teens could be challenged with a real subject that would enlighten them of the experiences that may be difficult for them to relate to. However, the Team wanted the teens to be inspired and recognize their own value in the world.