The MYP hosted their annual MovieNight at Holy Trinity Church in Whitestone, NY, with the showing of “Hearts Beat Loud.” The event was rectored by Dina DePaola with help from Team members Megan McComiskey, Gary McComiskey, Cathy Bischoff Weinbaum, John Fodera & Tom Leavens.
The 2018 film focuses on a father/daughter relationship where together they write & perform music before she leaves for college. It stars Nick Offerman & Kiersey Clemons. The movie depicts many life situations that our teens discussed in their small groups: decision making, single parent care, the death of a parent, caring for an elderly family member, romantic relationships, the challenge of study & recreation, & the influence of what parents want vs. what teens want (to name a few). Following small groups discussions. The evening concluded with a Prayer Service that asked the teens to celebrate love & family. The following prayer was said together: “Lord God, we thank you for the gift of love that you have poured out on us in Jesus, your Son. Help us to grow each day as his followers, with great love for one another, and great love for our families. May our growing love and kindness be a sign of your love at work in our lives. We make this prayer to you in Jesus’ name. Amen.”