The MYP hosted a new event, Lenten Stride, on Friday, February 28, 2020, at Holy Trinity Church in Whitestone, NY. The event was rectored by Tom Leavens, and the Team was John Fodera, Kerin Kriegsman, Megan McComiskey, Jean Pedri, Diana Roach, Cathy Weinbaum & Mary Leavens. The teens were asked to look at the key three events to Lent: Ash Wednesday, the Baptism of Jesus & the Temptation of Jesus. Teens were asked to look at posters for each of these events & convey their thoughts. The first talk was by Diana Roach, reviewing the relationship of Jesus & John the Baptist. The teens watched a video by Ascension Presents called, “The Significance of Ash Wednesday,” followed with a discussion. The second talk on Jesus’s time in the desert was given by Megan McComiskey. This led to an activity where the teens created personal Prayer Boxes. They were colored cards (prepared by Eileen Haggerty) that had scripture passages to be read on each day in Lent . Then, they needed to personally choose 40 cards with Prayer, Fasting & Almsgiving suggestions to be performed during Lent as well. After they completed their card boxes, they watched the video, “Preparing For Lent” from Ascension Presents. We gathered together for our Prayer Service to close the event. Great work by teens & Team to start the Lenten season!