The MYP hosted a Lenten Event over Zoom conferencing on Friday, February 26, 2021. This was a new event with a different approach—no talks, collaborative Small Group sessions and work that will be extended into our next MYP event in March. The Rectors for the event were Nan Adams (first time Rector) and Tom Leavens. The MYP Team was Dina DePaola, Mary Leavens, Cathy Weinbaum, Gary McComiskey, Megan McComiskey, Kerin Kriegsman, Eileen Haggerty & Diana Roach.
The event focused on Lenten sacrifices. The icebreaker asked the teens to think of five sacrifices they made when they were children. Following that, a video was presented to the group called, “Picking a Thing for Lent,” by Fr. Mike Schmitz.
The teens were separated into Breakout Rooms where they discussed the Lenten sacrifices suggested from the video. Then, the groups worked on compiling lists of potential sacrifices they could do for this Lent, something different for each day. They were asked to look at the routines they have, as well as their family member’s routines, and see if they could be incorporated into Lenten sacrifices. Also, they were challenged to look at the Stations of the Cross—what ideas could they get from them? They were brought back to the Large Group to share all ideas. During a short break, the teens were emailed a blank calendar for the 40 Days of Lent. They were asked to print it and write in a different sacrifice for each day.
The second Small Group session focused on the Stations of the Cross. The teens were asked to look at each station and brainstorm for images and songs—even specific lyrics— that they connected to them (using their computers & cell phones. Those suggestions will be used in our March event, building a contemporary approach to the Stations of the Cross.
The evening concluded with a Prayer Service that included this beautiful request: “May my acts of penance bring me Your forgiveness, open my heart to Your love, and prepare me for the coming feast of the Resurrection of Jesus.”
We look forward to March’s event to reveal the fruits of their work!