MYP GameNight—Friday, October 20, 2023, at Holy Trinity Church By Tom Leavens

On October 20th, the MYP hosted their annual GameNight. It was held at Holy Trinity Church and included teens from our program and Holy Trinity’s current Confirmation class. The Rectors of the event were Diana Roach & Tom Leavens. Team members were Kerin (Carty) Kriegsman & Mary Leavens.

After an icebreaker that involved Lego building, the teens were divided into three teams and challenged to compete in three games: Pictionary, 25 Words or Less & Concentration. The teens were awarded chips based on their placement after each game. Following their games, the winning team was faced with an additional challenge—a parody of Magic Eight Ball we called “Magic Egg Bowl.” They needed to choose an egg that contained a scripture passage (read aloud to the Large
Group) and instructions regarding the entire group’s chips. This definitely added to the fun of the event!

The evening concluded with a Prayer Service. It started with a reading from the first letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians (“There are different kinds of spiritual gifts, but the same Spirit gives them. There are different ways of serving, but the same Lord is served…”). The MYP added a service element to the evening. We asked the teens to bring their old Legos from home, so they can be forwarded to a charity for reuse called Brick Recycler. It was very appropriate to our theme—and gave our Confirmation teens needed service hours toward their sacramental requirements.