The planning for the MYP 50th Mass & Celebration is in full swing. There are so many parts of this event to get in place = advertising, Church/Mass, venue, food, beverage, programs, etc. But, by far, the most important part is locking in the number of attendees. Over the last 50 years, there have been hundreds of teens and over 150 Team members that have been a part of the MYP—and it has been a tremendous effort to find, contact and invite them to this celebration. Facebook posts will continue, emails will be sent and private text messages will be exchanged in the hope of getting at least one hundred people to attend.
If you haven’t received the information for this event, please reach out as soon as possible to be included. Let people in the MYP know that you are attending—it could attract them to joining you as well! If you see someone you know in the amazing pictures posted on Facebook, reach out and invite them to attend! Please respond if you are able or unable to attend. IT DOES MATTER BECAUSE WE WANT TO SEE YOU!!! It would be so great to have representation from each of the five decades!
This is a tremendous legacy that we are a part of. The times spent with the MYP Family were so valuable and changed our lives—you changed lives! Let’s make this a great night to gather & reminisce & remember the great times!