The MYP Team came together at in the beginning of July to plan for our upcoming 2022-2023 season. This season is special, for it is the 50th year of the MYP existence.
The Team always has a spirited discussion regarding what our theme should be—and how we should use it throughout our season. So, for this season, the theme is Romans 1:11-12 = “I long to see you so that I may share with you some spiritual gift to make you strong— that is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged by one another’s faith, yours & mine.” We thought that the teens could be inspired by this: making each other stronger, encouraging one another’s faith. Wouldn’t it be great if we can accomplish this, even on a small scale? But wait a minute—isn’t this what the MYP has done for the last 50 years? Think back to your first “day” with the MYP. What was that like? What inspired you to come back? Maybe your parents, your friends, some annoying monthly phone call from an adult who personally invited you. Although I wasn’t a teen in the program, my experience on Team is similar. Spiritual gifts were shared with me and that made me so much stronger. I couldn’t wait to spend time with my MYP family (“I long to see you”)—they were always encouraging my faith. And, in turn, I was given the gift of encouraging others in their faith.
In 2023, the MYP will complete 50 years of youth ministry in the Northeast Queens area. There have been hundreds of teens that were invited to come to our events to be strengthened in their faith and, in turn, strengthen others. There have been many adults (lay people, priests, religious) who have been invited to come to our events be strengthened in their faith and, in turn, strengthen others. And above all this, we willingly invited God to come to our events , strengthen us and become a bigger part in our world.
So, this theme is very appropriate for 2022-2023. During this year, we hope to bring 50 years of our MYP family members together for our 50th Anniversary celebration. Let’s reconnect, reminisce and, in some ways, relive our great times. “We long to see you so that we may share with you some spiritual gift to make you strong…”